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Living Life the Kelli Maxwell Way

I don’t get intimidated often, but when I do, it’s from a person like Kelli Maxwell. She’s half my size, but I would be NO match for her in a fight. Kelli’s the type of person you want on your side, and she’ll happily go to battle with you and CONQUER. She’s your quintessential example of “dynamite comes in small packages”, so don’t be deceived by her small stature and gentle beauty.

Kelli was born without a voice. She was born into a regime of Christian tyranny and taught to adhere to strict rules that dictated her actions, her beliefs, her PLACE in this world, and she grew up shrouded in lies about her self-worth. Kelli spent her early days looking through warped mirrors that others put in front of her. She was force-fed Bible verses and told not to get too fat. Religion was not her savior, it was her prison.

NO ONE cages Kelli Maxwell.

With every accusation of sin, with every toxic expectation, with every allegation of failure, a seed was planted. These seeds grew into a jungle of anger and resentment, and Kelli’s spirit lit it on fire. She realized that her life’s purpose went beyond the Church, beyond motherhood, beyond her family’s expectations.

She was meant to live life the Kelli Maxwell way.

I’ve met with Kelli only a handful of times, but each time is a blessing in my day. Every visit is a promise for knowledge and growth, and I’m so grateful for a piece of her time. She is a very gifted woman, but she has one glaring SUPER POWER.

Kelli Maxwell is a human amplifier.

She makes everything LOUDER. When Kelli walks into a room, everyone knows it and feels the obvious change. This phenomenon is why people are often intimidated by her: her strength is palpable and can be felt at the core. Most either love her or hate her: she doesn’t have a “medium” setting, but that’s also her personal preference. Even those who don’t have the taste for her, RESPECT her, because living a life under a blanket of untruths has left Kelli incapable of lying. What you see is what you get, and she’s unapologetic about speaking her truth.

Kelli is an entrepreneur with several notches in her belt, but her focus remains helping business owners GET LOUD. Her clients plug in, then watch as their businesses GROW and the blessings role in. She uses her gift in her personal life: she’s the person to call when life isn’t going well. Kelli listens, helps unload heavy burdens, then turns up the volume in pursuit of a beautiful solution. She builds up those around her and infuses them with the ferocity it takes to be HEARD.

In my own pursuit to be a stronger woman, I look to Kelli as an example of the success I want to achieve. No dream is too big for her: no adversary too strong. Her tenacity is contagious, and I FEEL it soaking into my bones. I think about her close to every day, mainly her voice in my head, preaching the message I need that day to BE LOUD in my mission.

Kelli Maxwell demonstrates how to be a FORCE. She teaches us how to take SPITE, and mold it into a beautiful empire. She lives her life LOUDLY and projects it to the world.

She’s living her life the Kelli Maxwell way

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